S. Thirunavukarasu, known by his professional name Tirru, is an acclaimed Indian cinematographer who has worked in various film industries across India. He gained recognition for his exceptional work in cinematography and won the National Film Award for Best Cinematography for the film "24" in 2016.
Tirru developed an interest in photography while studying science in college. He was influenced by his cousin, who was a dentist but had a passion for nature photography. Tirru began his career as an associate to renowned cinematographer P. C. Sreeram, learning from his expertise and honing his skills in cinematography.
Tirru has predominantly worked in the Tamil, Malayalam, and Hindi film industries. Apart from his work in films, he is also known for his contributions to television commercials. Over the years, he has shot more than 1000 commercials, collaborating with major advertising production houses in India.
In addition to his cinematographic work, Tirru co-wrote the screenplay of the Malayalam film "Mission 90 Days" with director Major Ravi, showcasing his versatility and involvement in different aspects of filmmaking.
Tirru is married to an architect in Chennai, and together they have two children. His passion for capturing visuals and his ability to bring stories to life through his cinematography have established him as a highly regarded professional in the Indian film industry.