Indra Kumar is an Indian film director and producer. He made his debut in direction and production with the film "Dil" in 1990. The film, starring Aamir Khan and Madhuri Dixit, was a romantic tale of teenage love facing parental opposition. It became a major commercial success and was the highest-grossing Indian film of the year. Kumar received a nomination for Best Director at the Filmfare Awards for his work in "Dil."
Kumar continued his successful streak with the film "Beta" in 1992, a drama highlighting the conflict between family values and greed. Starring Madhuri Dixit, Anil Kapoor, and his sister Aruna Irani, the film was another major commercial success and the highest-grossing Indian film of the year. Kumar received his second Best Director nomination at the Filmfare Awards for "Beta."
In 1995, Kumar collaborated with Madhuri Dixit once again for the romantic action film "Raja," co-starring Sanjay Kapoor. The film, revolving around childhood sweethearts who fall in love and get married in their youth, became the third highest-grossing Indian film of the year. Kumar earned his third Best Director nomination at the Filmfare Awards for "Raja."
In 1997, Kumar directed the action romantic comedy "Ishq," featuring Ajay Devgn, Aamir Khan, Kajol, and Juhi Chawla. Despite receiving mixed reviews from critics, the film was a commercial success and ranked among the top-grossing productions of the year.
After a period of average grossers and commercial failures, Kumar found success with the comedy film "Masti" in 2004. He went on to direct commercially successful comedy film sequels such as "Dhamaal" (2007), "Double Dhamaal" (2011), "Grand Masti" (2013), and "Total Dhamaal" (2019). "Total Dhamaal" became his highest-grossing release to date and one of the highest-grossing Hindi films of all time.
Indra Kumar is the brother of actress Aruna Irani and the father of actress Shweta Kumar. His latest produced film is "Thank God" in 2022.