Dharmesh Yelande is a renowned choreographer hailing from India, known for his exceptional dance skills and unique style. Born on October 31, 1983, in Baroda, Gujarat, Dharmesh gained widespread recognition through his appearance on the reality dance show "Dance India Dance" in 2009. His incredible talent and charismatic personality made him a favorite among the audience, earning him the title of the first runner-up on the show.
Following his success on "Dance India Dance," Dharmesh went on to become a prominent figure in the Indian dance industry. He choreographed for numerous Bollywood films, including the critically acclaimed movie "ABCD: Any Body Can Dance," where he also played a lead role. Dharmesh's choreography is known for its fusion of various dance forms, blending contemporary, hip-hop, and traditional Indian styles seamlessly.
Beyond his work in films, Dharmesh has also been a judge and mentor on several dance reality shows, sharing his expertise and guiding aspiring dancers. His dedication, innovation, and infectious energy continue to inspire countless individuals, making him one of the most respected choreographers in the Indian entertainment industry today.